CLAF and MCTI High Level Seminar
Opportunities for the Latin-American Participation and Cooperation in Astro-Particle Physics and the Project SWGO
20 April 2023
CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Seminar Programme

The CLAF Astroparticle Physics Unit is a recently instated branch of CLAF for the development of this frontier field of experimental physics in Latin America. It will bring together scientists from all CLAF member states to set the future course of regional cooperation in this rapidly developing research area, for the benefit of scientific development and integration in the region.
As the continent prepares to welcome the next leading facility for the study of the universe at the highest energies, the Southern Wide-Field Gamma-Ray Observatory (SWGO -, Latin America will be home to the largest concentration of global Astroparticle Physics experiments of any region in the world, and a natural hub for the field.
This High-Level Seminar, co-convened by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations of Brazil (MCTI), aims, together with all regional stakeholders and experts from the field, to foster progress towards the collaborative participation in SWGO.
Meeting presentations
20 April 2023 - MORNING SESSION - CBPF, Rio de Janeiro |
09:00 |
Reception and Coffee |
09:30 |
Welcome & Opening Dr. Márcio Albuquerque, Director of CBPF Dr. Luis Huerta, Director of CLAF Dr. Ulisses Barres, Coordinator of CLAF Astro-particle Physics Unit Dr. Carlos Aragão, Director of Science and Technology at FINEP |
10:00 |
MCTI - Strategic Programmes Prof. Marcia Barbosa, Secretary for Strategic Planning at MCTI / Brazil |
10:15 |
Panorama of Science Cooperation in Latin America Mr. Carlos Matsumoto, Acting Chief of International Cooperation, MCTI / Brazil |
10:30 |
Astro-particle Physics Landscape Worldwide and in Latin America Prof. Carola Dobrigkeit Chinelatto, UNICAMP / Brazil |
10:45 |
SWGO: Science, Technology and International Cooperation Prof. Claudio Dib, UTFSM / Chile |
11:00 |
The Pierre Auger Observatory: Science, Cooperation and Impact Dr. Federico Sanchez, ITeDA / Argentina |
11:15 |
Account on CNPq Funding and Support of Pierre Auger (Remote) Prof. Ricardo Galvão, President of CNPq / Brazil |
11:30 |
Report from Experiments: CTA and HAWC Prof. Vitor de Souza, USP / Brazil
Report from Experiments: CTA and HAWC Prof. Andres Sandoval, UNAM / México |
12:00 |
Account on FAPESP Support of Astroparticle Physics Projects (Remote) Prof. Roberto Marcondes, FAPESP / Brazil |
20 April 2023 - AFTERNOON SESSION - CBPF, Rio de Janeiro |
13:45 |
Science Education and Capacity Building in Latin America (Remote) Mr. Ernesto Fernández-Polcuch, Head for Latin America, UNESCO |
14:00 |
Education and Capacity Building: The LAGO Project Experience Dr. Luis Otiniano, CONIDA / Peru |
14:15 |
Account on Industrial Impact of the Pierre Auger Observatory Mr. Nelson Fromentini, CEO of ROTOPLASTYC / Brazil |
14:30 |
Networks for Large Experiments: Impact and Regional Potential Mr. Leandro Ciuffo, Director at RNP / Brazil |
14:45 |
European Science Cooperation in Latin America Dr. Mario Pimenta, Presidente do LIP / Portugal (Remote) |
European Science Cooperation in Latin America Dr. Liviu Nicu, Director of CNRS South-America / France |
European Science Cooperation in Latin America Dr. Daniela Theuer, DWIH São Paulo / Germany |
European Science Cooperation in Latin America Dr. Andrea Chiavassa, INFN / Italy |
15:40 |
Statements from Latin-American Delegates Ambassador Julio Bravo Iubini, Chile (Remote)
Statements from Latin-American Delegates Dr. Benjamin Marticorena, President of CONCYTEC / Peru (Remote) |
Statements from Latin-American Delegates Dr. Juan Pablo Paz, Vice-Minister of MinCyT / Argentina |
Statements from Latin-American Delegates Dr. Alberto Etchegoyen, Representative of CONEA / Argentina |
16:30 |
Latin-American Association for High-Energy and Astroparticle Physics Prof. Rogério Rosenfeld, ICTP-SAIFR / Brazil |
16:40 |
Way Forward and Closing Dr. Ulisses Barres, Coordinator of CLAF Astro-particle Physics Unit |
16:45 |
Meeting Adjourned - Coffee |