Basis and Scope: The CLAF-HECAP Mobility Program for Latin America has the following characteristics:
- The main goal of the Program is to support scientific visits of LA-based scientist and students in different HECAP institutions within Latin America.
- CLAF will provide US$10,000 annually for this Program.
- Calls for proposals will be issued by LAA-HECAP to its members and will be advertised in both CLAF and LAA-HECAP webpages.
- A Committee with 2 members nominated by CLAF and 2 members nominated by LAA-HECAP will select the proposals according to their merit and to the requested budget.
- Selected proposals will be made public in both CLAF and LAA-HECAP webpages;
- CLAF will transfer the approved funds to the selected proposal.
- The Committee will evaluate the report submitted two weeks after the visits are concluded.
- Evaluation will be made public in both CLAF and LAA-HECAP webpages.