The successful observation of the sky at the highest energies (from 10GeV to 10 PeV) with ground-based gamma-ray instruments is one of thegreatest breakthroughs of Astroparticle Physics research in the past twodecades. Currently, we are experiencing the transition to a new generationof instruments that promises to guide the field towards major futurediscoveries. These are global efforts to carry out large projects focused onthe development of the observational techniques and to further explorethe scientific potential of observations in the very- to ultra-high energydomains.
Latin America plays a central role as the prime geographic region for theinstallation of world-class ground-based gamma-ray experiments in theSouthern Hemisphere. The continent has been recently chosen to hostthe southern site of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), in Chile, andselected as the continent for installation of the future Southern Wide-FieldGamma-ray Observatory (SWGO), following the presence of HAWC inMexico.
It also plays a long-standing leading role in the field of ultra-high-energy cosmic-rays, through the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO),in Argentina, which is currently undergoing an upgrade. The continent istherefore about to concentrate the most important contingent of leadingexperiments in the field worldwide.
Latin America has a strong and consistent tradition of research in cosmic rays and astroparticle physics at an international level, a field responsible for decades of pioneering development of the physical sciences in the region, through the work of scientists such as Manuel Sandoval Vallarta...